ponedjeljak, 31. kolovoza 2015.

Logs for 31st of August/1st of September 2015.

675 kHz - Radio Maria shutdown.

747 kHz - NPO Radio 5 shutdown and RNE Radio 5 Cadiz going on air, NPO SINPO 55555, and RNE SINPO 21321.

4610 kHz - RAF Volmet transmitting on Northwood Meteo Fax frequency. It is believed that those two stations originate from RAF Akrotiri, so it might be frequency manager's fault? SINPO 54544.

6210 kHz - Radio Tango Italy, rock music, USB mode, decent signal, SINPO 33333.

11300 kHz - Mogadishu Radio MWARA AFI3, very good reception, male conversations, SINPO 45444.

17730 kHz - Radio Habana Cuba, male Spanish talk, good reception with a bit of noise, SINPO 43444.

Radio Free Asia (via Ulanbataar)

Radio Free Asia (transmitting from Ulanbataar) was logged on 20th of August, 2015. Its Korean program was monitored from 21:00 to 21:15 UTC, and it was logged on frequency of 7460 kHz.

Some sort of noise jamming, overall signal weakness and interference with RTTY which was passing by was, heard, making the SINPO 32233. Interval signal of RFA was heard, as well as musical pieces and Korean commentary.

Reception report was emailed to Radio Free Asia.

Nice QSL card for their 19th anniversary was received on 31st of August, 2015. Thanks, RFA!

e-Mail : qsl@rfa.org

Front of QSL card

Back of QSL card

subota, 29. kolovoza 2015.

Logs for August 29, 2015.

Those are the logs I have made for August 29th, 2015. I don't listen to my receiver when logging things, I use mine when I'm just listening about world...and because the coverage is pretty weak (5400-16000 kHz)

So, those are logs for today. Enjoy.

747 kHz - NPO Radio 5 Nostalgia, one of his last days of broadcasting, on 1st of September, they are going to close their MW transmitter. Enschede SDR is pretty close to NPO transmitter, so it is reasonably to SINPO to be 55555. Various bluegrass and country music playing.

1665 kHz - Unidentified Pirate. Playing "Two Tribes" by Frankie Goes To Hollywood. Possibly a pirate close to the receiver, SINPO 45444.

6210 kHz - Radio Scotland International, Dutch pirate. Music and Dutch talk. SINPO 32333.

6517 kHz - Voice of The People, crying woman heard and piano music, but not much because of North Korean jamming.

7700 kHz - FRS Holland. Playing "After The Gold Rush" by Neil Young and "Love The One You're With" by Stephen Stills. Very good signal. SINPO 54555.

8957 kHz - Shannon VOLMET. Female automated voice mentioning visibility, temperature and other factors. SINPO 34343.

9130 kHz - E11 numbers station. Message : 363/22 and off air. As people call it, that was nul message.

9300 kHz - SINPO, as well as the programme details parallel with 7700 kHz. FRS Holland.

iAm Radio

iAm Radio was logged on 28th of August, 2015. and it was listened to from 21:10 UTC from 21:25 UTC. iAm Radio was on 1350 kHz.

SINPO of iAm Radio throughout their whole listening was 44444, mainly because of interference with other MW stations. Considering propagation gets better at night, all of a sudden, everyone becomes hearable, and considering a lot of stations tune in to same frequency, MW is a mess on evenings.

Mainly songs, including amazing new wave The Cure-like songs and pop songs (bubblegum pop), were observed during my listening.

QSL was received on 19th of September, 2015. That came as a nice surprise! Thanks, iAm!!

Reception report was emailed to iAm radio :

e-mail addresses : report@iamradio.am,

petak, 28. kolovoza 2015.

Rai Uno (transmitting via Napoli)

Rai Uno, transmitting from Napoli, was logged on 657 kHz, and it was monitored from 21:50 to 22:11 UTC. It was logged on 28th of August, 2015.

Considering propagation is really messed up, and it affected basically everything on my receiver, so I stopped listening to mine until propagation gets better. SDR has stronger antenna, so I've decided to listen SDR a couple of days.

Signal from Rai was pretty good during my listening, but a lot of interference from other stations transmitting on that frequency, with a SINPO of 43344.

Various music, including Jovanotti, infamous singer in Italy, which I suggest you should give him a listen. News were also observed during that time.

Reception report was emailed the same day.

e-Mail : raiway@rai.it

četvrtak, 27. kolovoza 2015.

RNE 5 Radio Barcelona (via Barcelona)

RNE Radio 5 Barcelona, transmitting maybe from Barcelona, was logged on 576 kHz, and it was monitored from 20:40 - 21:15 UTC,

Maybe weaker, but signal was somehow heard in Croatia, with SINPO of 24222, with a lot of interference with Radio Horizont, and it only got worse- last 15 minutes of listening, SINPO was 21322.

Mainly opera was observed from 20:40 until 21:00, then news after, time ticks were heard, as well as Radio Horizont's ticks, so it was a major confusion.

Reception report was emailed to RNE.

However, this message came.

"Estaré ausente de mi oficina hasta el día 13 de enero del 2.015"

EDIT (16/4/2016) - Guillermo, from the blog gsdx1, which is a fantastic blog, was kind enough to translate this for me.
It means : I will be out of my office until day 13 january 2015. 

Thanks, Guillermo!

e-Mail : antonio.catalan@rtve.es

Adventist World Radio DX Contest

*taken from Shortwave Central with permission of Gayle Van Horn, thank you!*

AWR  Adventist World Radio  AWR  Adventist World Radio  AWR

The Worlds Most Unusual DX Contest

            The time has come, the event you are waiting for has arrived!  The new month of October is the official period for our big 2015 Wavescan DX contest.  This year, we invite you to participate inThe Worlds Most Unusual DX Contest, and this time you may design your own contest details.  Read on for this years requirements.

            The awards for the 2015 AWR The Worlds Most Unusual DX Contest will be similar to all previous contests, with the addition of several extra awards.
* Every entry will receive a full size copy of two historic American mediumwave QSL cards                     dating back to the early 1920s.
*  Four entries will receive a special numbered QSL card featuring Thomas Kincade art in                        color showing twin radio towers, the only Kincade painting that depicts a radio station.
* All AWR reception reports will be verified with specially endorsed AWR QSL cards, and two                  new cards are now available.
* Additional AWR souvenirs, radio curios, Christmas Card, AWR Magazine and small                               keepsakes.
* One entry from Australia and New Zealand will receive a copy of the new 5th edition of Dr.                    Bruce Cartys remarkable and readable book Australian Radio History.  This large                     format volume, in full color throughout, presents almost 100 pages of fascinating                          information about every known mediumwave station that ever took to the air in Australia                  during the past almost 100 years, beginning in 1918. 
* Each continental winner will receive a copy of the 2016 edition of the World Radio TV                            Handbook.
* The World Winner will receive a copy of one of Jerome Bergs remarkable shortwave radio                   history books.  The winner may choose which of the four thick volumes he would like to               receive.

AWR Wavescan Annual DX Contest 2015

The Worlds Most Unusual DX Contest     The Worlds Most Unusual DX Contest
AWR Wavescan Annual DX Contest 2015

The Worlds Most Unusual DX Contest     The Worlds Most Unusual DX Contest

A. The Worlds Most Unusual DX Contest: Description
* You are invited to design your own DX contest in any way and in any form you consider is                     best.  Your self-designed DX contest may be based upon any aspect of radio associated                    in some way with shortwave or mediumwave broadcasting, such as for example:-
                        Listening, monitoring, collecting QSLs, programming, script writing, radio history,                           current radio events, radio in the future, large radio stations, little radio stations,                              rare stations, distant stations, local stations, silent stations, visiting radio stations,                        radio magazines, radio receivers, personal radio memories, recording for                                        broadcast, etc, etc.
* Your self-designed DX contest may be in any form you desire, and it may be ambitious and                  complicated, or it may be simple and quite easy, in whatever way you consider is most                appropriate.
* You should then describe in a paragraph or two, the details of your own self-designed QSL                    contest.
* Not valid for this contest are amateur nor CB radio stations.

B. Worlds Most Unusual DX Contest: Fulfillment
* Please demonstrate the way you have fulfilled the requirements for your own self-designed DX             contest, in a brief paragraph or two.

C. Your Best QSL Since the 2014 DX Contest
* What is the best QSL that you have received since the 2014 DX contest?  Please provide                      details and a photocopy, in color if possible.

D. AWR Reception Reports
You are invited to prepare three reception reports for the broadcast on shortwave,                                  mediumwave or FM of any AWR programming in any part of the world.  You may choose           the international shortwave programing from Adventist World Radio, via KSDA Guam; or                   any of the shortwave relay stations that carry AWR programming; or any of the 1700                         local mediumwave or FM stations in any part of the world that are affiliated with                                  Adventist World Radio. 
* Please do not send a recording of your reception; we just need your honest reception report                  on paper.  All reception reports will be verified with our two new QSL cards, and a special      contest endorsement will be shown on each card.

E. Three Radio Cards
* Where possible, you are invited to include three radio cards for the Indianapolis Heritage                        Collection with your contest entry.  These cards may be old or new, and they may be                        QSL cards, reception report cards, or picture cards of radio stations, etc.  Not valid for                 this contest are amateur cards nor CB radio cards.

Other Contest Details
* Well, there you have it, the details for our Wavescan 2015 Worlds Most Unusual DX Contest.             This contest will run through the month of October 2015, and all contest entries should             be postmarked at your local post office anywhere in the world on any date up to the end                of the month of October 2015 and they should be received at the AWR post office                address in Indianapolis no later than the end of the month of November 2015.
* Post your entry with all items to Adventist World Radio in Indianapolis, remembering that                        neatness and preparation, will all feature in the judging procedure.  Due consideration                       will also be given to the area of the world in which the contestant lives.
* Where possible, please enclose return postage in the form of currency notes in any                                international currency, or mint postage stamps.  Please note that IRC coupons are too                  expensive for you to buy, and they are no longer valid in the United States. 
* Please enclose your postal address label also.
* Please remember that it will take a period of many months, well into the new year 2016, to                   process all of the contest entries and reception reports, but each will in due course be                        processed. 

The only address for the Worlds Most Unusual DX Contest is:-
Worlds Most Unusual DX Contest
Adventist World Radio
Box 29235
Indiana 46229

AWR  Adventist World Radio  AWR  Adventist World Radio  AWR

AWR DX Programs

            Ever since Adventist World Radio was inaugurated way back more than 40 years ago, listeners in many countries on all continents have looked forward to participating in the annual DX contest.  Our historical records show that the first listener contest was conducted by the fledgling new AWR-Europe way back during the year 1972, just a few months after the official inauguration on October 1, 1971.
            The longest series of annual DX contests began under the original Adventist World Radio in Asia, AWR-Asia in Poona India, and these were introduced just a few years later in 1977.  The first world winner in the annual contest in association with the original AWR DX program Radio Monitors International” RMI was Victor Goonetilleke, the well known international radio monitor living in Colombo Sri Lanka.  Since then, this well established AWR DX program has transmigrated from Asia to the United States, and the name likewise has evolved into a new name, the now familiarWavescan.
            Throughout all of these intervening years, the annual winners list contains the names of well known international radio monitors living on all continents.  In addition, the long roster of regional winners over the years includes a host of names, international radio monitors living in up to a hundred different countries.  Any and all entrants have an equal possibility of winning one of the many awards that are available each year.
            In fact, every entry in this years very unusual DX contest will be awarded a full size photocopy of two very early mediumwave QSL cards, dating way back to the very beginning of radio broadcasting in the United States.  In addition, four entrants will receive a very special QSL card; the QSL text will be attached to the only picture painted by the noted American artist Thomas Kincade that shows a radio antenna.  Other awards will include the World Radio TV Handbook for 2016; one of Jerome Bergs full volumes on the international history of shortwave radio; a copy of Dr. Bruce Cartys colorful new volume, Australian Radio History.
            As Adventist World Radio enters into its 44th year of international radio broadcasting, we take pleasure in announcing our annual Wavescan DX contest, which comes to you under the title, The Worlds Most Unusual DX Contest.  In short, you are invited to design your own DX contest in whatever way you consider is best. 
(AWR/Adrian Peterson)

HCJB Reach Beyond Australia (via Kununurra)

HCJB - Reach Beyond Australia, transmitting from Kununurra, was logged on 10th of April, 2015. Its English service was monitored from 16:20 - 16:44 UTC, HCJB Reach Beyond Australia was then at 15170 kHz.

Its signal was somewhat good, however, a lot of noise occured during broadcast, making the SINPO 43354. But still, its reception was very good.

After a major confusion which programme it was, it was found out that this was "Hope of the heart", which was listened to during my whole listening.

Reception report was emailed to office@reachbeyond.org, but do not send reception reports to this email, because it will likely be deleted. New email address is radio@reachbeyond.org.au. 

Nice e-QSL and schedules arrived in email on 29th of April, 2015.


Another schedule from HCJB RBA

A15 Schedule from HCJB RBA

ABC Radio Australia (via Shepparton)

ABC Radio Australia, transmitting from Shepparton, was logged on 8th of April, 2015. and it was listened to from 23:00 to 23:23 UTC. ABC Radio Australia was on 15415 kHz.

Unlike today, I used to catch a lot of broadcasts during the spring or winter of 2015. Signal of this reception was very strong, giving a SINPO of 55455.

Discussion about islamic extremists and their propaganda was occured during my listening.

I know the fact that Radio Australia doesn't distribute QSL cards anymore, but I don't mind that. I do this because I want to contribute to the feedback to the station, not because of QSL Cards.

Reception report was submitted to Radio Australia's website. A week after, on 15th of April, 2015. my confirmation letter via web arrived.

contact via this form : http://www.radioaustralia.net.au/international/contact-us/question/?radCategory=26&idThread=&uid=2be9a4b4024b55f74833f0b3ce25caf4

Quick confirmation from Radio Australia

Caribbean Beacon (via Anguilla)

Carribean Beacon, transmitting from Anguilla, was listened to on 26th of July, 2015. from 08:20 to 08:41 UTC at 6090 kHz.

Considering it can't be recepted in Croatia, it was listened to via this SDR located in New Jersey. Reception was somewhat good, with SINPO being 53555, you know, noise was disrupting this broadcast a lot, but still, every word heard was clearly understandable.

Male preaching, discussing "mountains of God" and God and other things. Long, dramatic pauses were heard after a minute or two with each preaching. Not a lot of static was heard, considering carrier was surprisingly strong.

Reception report was emailed to Caribbean Beacon.

This confirmation via email, by Doris Mussington was  received on 27th of July, 2015. Followup by question if they QSL or not was sent, but no reply. I was so excited about this one, because this is, as mr. Timm Breyel said, one of the dream stations...

e-Mail : beacon@anguillanet.com

E-mail from Caribbean Beacon. 

Radio Tirana (via Shijak)

Radio Tirana, transmitting from Shijak, was logged on 24th of July, 2015. It was observed from 17:20 to 17:31 UTC. on frequency of 7465 kHz.

Unlike previous transmissions, which are well recepted, this one was way better than usual, with SINPO of 55555.

Various commentary on Italian and mostly rock music (I have no idea about your experiences with Radio Tirana, but they usually either play rock or native Albanian music), played. Commentary was mainly by female host.

Reception report was emailed on 24th of July, 2015.

"Das Erste Funkhaus" QSL arrived in the mail on 12th of August, 2015. Thank you, good humans of Radio Tirana!

Back of the QSL.

Front of the QSL.

  e-Mail : radiotirana@rtsh.al, aibro@albaniaonline.net

Radio DARC (via Rohrbach Waal)

Radio DARC, transmitting via Rohrbach Waal, was logged on 3rd of August, 2015. and it was observed from 15:36 - 15:55 UTC at 6070 kHz.

Signal reception was somewhat good when monitored from my location, making it SINPO 33333, but when observed from SDR located in Enschede, it was amazing, giving SINPO of 55555, however, noise degraded broadcast, and at 15:50 UTC, SINPO was 54555.

News about ham radio, including information for QSL-ing the contest stations on German, and great songs, including "Walk The Line" by Johnny Cash, and "Soley Soley" by Middle Of The Road. Bit of history about Radio France International has also been said.

Reception report was emailed on 3rd of August, 2015.

The same day, email came from Rainer Englert...

Of course I wanted the QSL card of station so unique like this one! However, I'm concerned that many people think that this is pirate station.

Anyway, at 27th of August, QSL with personal letter arrived. Viel danke und dreiundsiebzig (73)!

Beautiful QSL Card and personal letter

Back of QSL card.

srijeda, 26. kolovoza 2015.

Radio Inconfidencia (via Belo Horizonte)

I spend a lot of time on shortwave and I manage to find various things, but this is probably one of the best catches I've ever had on shortwave radio.

Radio Inconfidencia (transmitting from Belo Horizonte) was logged on 10th of August, 2015. and it was listened to from 20.36 to 20:51 UTC. It was heard in 15190 kHz

It was expected that signal would be weak, and there was a lot of noise, so SINPO was 35153 and it remained like that, it didn't change.

Various songs appeared during my listening, I have managed to identify "Boiada Cuiabana" and "A Hora den Fazendeiro", with the host named Tina Goncalves was monitored. Identification also appeared, at 20:50 UTC, so I'm sure that was Radio Inconfidencia.

Reception report was emailed. No signs of verifying this report.

e-mail : gleisonferreira@inconfidencia.com.br

Radio Romania International (via Tiganesti)

Radio Romania International, transmitting via Tiganesti transmitter, was logged on 19th of August, 2015. and it was listened from 20:32 - 20:57 UTC.  on 15170 kHz.

Its reception was fantastic here, considering evenings are better to listen because of propagation and it was 22:32 - 22:57 here, so it is always good to hear RRI in the evening. SINPO was 55555 through the whole listening and it hasn't degraded since.

News, including charging of Romania's Prime minister Victor Ponta for money laundering, drop of Romania's external debt, report on drought affecting Romanian economy, sportstalk, Romania Government's move to raise the salaries of Romania's healthcare system, "RRI Sports Club" with Lucian Bute featured and other things were logged during listening. (They have a lot of programme for half an hour!)

I do recommend you RRI, and you should give them a listen...if you do report reception, you will receive a wonderful QSL card from series of Romanian caves...

Anyway, this nice blue QSL card arrived in mail on 22nd of September, 2015.

Thanks, RRI!

Reception report was emailed to RRI.

e-Mail : rri@rri.ro, engl@rri.ro

Voice of Turkey (via Emirler)

Voice of Turkey, transmitting via Emirler, was logged on 21st of August, 2015. at 07:50 - 08.05 UTC at 13635 kHz.

Signal was surprisingly strong and transmission was really good! SINPO 55555.

During my listening, Turkish radiodrama was listened which included male acting and police sirens, and, of course, time ticks announcing 8:00 UTC, and news too. Another programme began on 8:05 UTC, using Turkish dance music as interval. 

Reception report was mailed to Voice of Turkey.

email : englishdesk@trt.net.tr, tsr@trt.net.tr

Deutsche Welle (via Ascension)

Deutsche Welle, transmitting via Ascension Island, was heard on 21st of August, 2015. and it was listened from 17:30 - 17:50 UTC. Deutsche Welle was on 17800 kHz, and French service was listened.

Signal was very good, with a bit of local noise and a little lack of signal strength, and that made the SINPO 44444. 

"Arbre a palabre" was the name of the programme which was monitored during the whole listening, as the complete show lasts from 17:30 to 17:55 UTC. It was only one programme monitored during the 20 minutes, but if I would listen to DW on Thursday or Saturday, not like Friday, which was actually the time of my listening, I would listen to 2 programmes (probably about economy).

Reception report was emailed to Deutsche Welle.

e-Mail : info@dw.de
Website : http://www.dw.com/en/top-stories/s-9097
Postal address:
Deutsche Welle
Kurt Schumacher Strasse 3
53113 Bonn

Twitter : https://twitter.com/deutschewelle
Facebook (learn German) : https://www.facebook.com/dw.learngerman

Radio Maria (via Lopik)

Radio Maria, transmitting via Lopik, was logged on 21st of August, 2015. and it was listened from 20:10 to 20:31 UTC, at 675 kHz. Considering it is unhearable here, it was listened via SDR located in Enschede, Netherlands.

Mostly Dutch religious commentary was occured during 20 minutes of my listening, but lute music was heard too! Considering the station is transmitting from Netherlands, and the SDR that I listened was from Netherlands, too, and that Lopik-Enschede (air distance) is only 134 kilometers (83 miles), it is obvious that signal was very good and strong, just like NPO Radio 5 Nostalgia. SINPO was 55555.

Radio Maria is only Dutch service to this radio, one is available in Croatia too, but not on mediumwave. Radio Maria (Radio Marija here) is available on 94,6 mHz FM, but it is unhearable basically in most of the Croatia. It is only available in area of Zagreb.

Reception report was emailed on 21st of August, 2015. and there has been no reply since.

e-Mail : info@radiomaria.rl
website : http://www.radiomaria.nl/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/radiomarianl?_rdr=p

Radio Taiwan International (via Kouhu)

Radio Taiwan International, transmitting via Kouhu, was logged on 16th of August, 2015. from 16:27 UTC to 16:49 UTC. It was monitored at 6145 kHz.

Radio Taiwan International was my first station successfully QSL-ed, with card received in February 2015. Back then, there were much more transmissions, and all of them were clearly hearable. I have no idea if they cut their broadcasts targeted to Europe, they aren't really easy to hear today.

However, this broadcast was an exception. Using only a 100 kW Kouhu transmitter, signal from RTI that day was amazing, with only a bit of noise, making the SINPO 54555.

Chinese service was listened that day, with 14-minute long classical composition, piano music with stringed instruments heard in the background. Both male and female sung during my listening.

Reception report was emailed the same day.

e-Mail : rti@rti.org.tw
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Radio-Taiwan-International/213059612141217?ref=hl
Website : http://www.rti.org.tw/
Postal Address : Radio Taiwan International, PO Box 123-199, Taipei 11199, Taiwan, ROC

utorak, 25. kolovoza 2015.

Radio Vaticana (via Santa Maria di Galeria)

Radio Vaticana was logged on 21st of August, 2015. at 20:07 - 20.27 UTC. on 15570 kHz. Its English programme was targeted for Africa (available programmes here), and it was listened via Grundig RTV820 HiFi Receiver, and Trentin UT-2 Speakers.

SINPO was fantastic, with 55555, no noise, no anything.

Various reports occured, including report about Lesotho's political situation, Nigerian problems with Boko Haram, on "African News Panorama", Oscar Pistorius's murdering of his girlfriend and report about smoking in Uganda was heard.

I do hope for the QSL Card.

Reception report was emailed to Radio Vaticana.

e-Mail : engafrica@vatiradio.va
Facebook (English) : https://www.facebook.com/VaticanRadioEnglish
YouTube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/user/vatican
Twitter : https://twitter.com/news_va_en
Tencent Weibo : http://t.qq.com/vaticanradiocn
Website : http://en.radiovaticana.va/

NYTRO – Database of SW, MW and LW stations' addresses - UNDER CONSTRUCTION!

So, I have decided to share with you my progress of making ultimate list of SW, MW and LW stations' addresses, also called NYTRO. This will be fixed a lot of times during my work here...enjoy.

All India Radio
a)      Aizawl – postal All India Radio Aizawl, Radio Tila, Tuikhuahtlang, Aizawl-796001, Mizoram, emails : spectrum-manager@air.org.in, aizawl@air.org.in
b)      Bhopal – postal – All India Radio Bhopal, Anoopshahar Road, Aligarh 202001, Uttar Pradehs, emails : spectrum-manager@air.org.in, bhopal@air.org.in, se_airbpl@dataone.in
c)      Chennai – postal – All India Radio Chennai, High Power Transmitters, Avadi, Chennai 600062, Tamilnadu, emails spectrum-manager@air.org.in, airavadi@dataone.in
d)     Delhi and Delhi FM Gold – postal – All India Radio Delhi, 1 Sansad Marg, New Delhi 110001, emails - spectrum-manager@air.org.in
e)      Gangtok – postal – All India Radio Gangtok, Old MLA Hostel, Gangtok – 737101, Sikkim, emails : spectrum-manager@air.org.in, gangtok@air.org.in
f)       Hyderabad – postal – All India Radio Hyderabad, Rocklands, Saifabad, Hyderabad 50004, Andhra Pradesh, emails : spectrum-manager@air.org.in, hyderabad@air.org.in, airhyderabad@rediffmail.com
g)      Itanagar – postal – All India Radio Itanagar, C Sec, Itanagar 791111, Arunachal Pradesh, emails - spectrum-manager@air.org.in, itanagar@air.org.in
h)      Jaipur – postal – All India Radio Jaipur, Station Director, CBS, All India Radio, 5, Park House, M.I. Road, Jaipur – 302001, email - spectrum-manager@air.org.in cbsairjaipur@gmail.com
i)        Jeypore – postal – All India Radio, Jeypore – 764005 (Odisha), email : spectrum-manager@air.org.in airjeypore@rediffmail.com, allindiaradio.jeypore@gmail.com
j)        Kohima – postal – All India Radio Kohima, Old Ministers Hill Post Box, 42 Kohima – 797001, Nagaland, emails - spectrum-manager@air.org.in kohima@air.org.in
k)      Kolkata – postal – All India Radio Kolkata, Akashvani Bhawan, Eden Garden, Kolkata – 700001 (West Bengal), emails – kolkata@air.org.in, spectrum-manager@air.org.in
l)        Kurseong – postal – All India Radio Kurseong, 734203 (West Bengal), email – spectrum-manager@air.org.in, akashvani@yahoo.com, yogenraraj@yahoo.co.in
m)    Leh – postal – All India Radio Leh, Leh Ladakh (J&K), 194101, email : spectrum-manager@air.org.in, leh@air.org.in, seairleh@rediffmail.com
n)      Lucknow – postal- unknown, email : spectrum-manager@air.org.in, airlive@air.org.in
o)      National Channel – postal – All India Radio, Director General, Akashwani Bhawan, New Delhi – 110001
p)      North-East – postal – All India Radio, Chandmari, Guwahati, 781003 (Assam), email : spectrum-manager@air.org.in, sdairguwahati@yahoo.co.in, guwahati@air.org.in
q)      Port Blair – postal – All India Radio Port Blair, Delanipur, Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands 744102, India, email : spectrum-manager@air.org.in
r)       Shillong – postal – All India Radio Shillong, Shillong 793001, India, email : airshill@gmail.com, airshill@air.org.in, spectrum-manager@air.org.in
s)       Srinagar – postal – All India Radio Srinagar, Commercial Broadcasting Service, Radio Kashmir, Srinagar (J&K), 190001, India, email : spectrum-manager@air.org.in, sdcbssrinagar@rediffmail.com, srinagar@air.org.in
t)       Thiruvananthapuram – postal – All India Radio Thiruvananthapuram, Vazhuthacaud, Thycaud PO, MG Road, MG Road, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695001, India, email : aoairtvpm@gmail.com, spectrum-manager@air.org.in
u)      Vividh Bharati – postal – unknown, email - spectrum-manager@air.org.in

Alcaravan Radio : postal – Alcaravan Radio, c/o Rafael Rodriguez, Apartado Aereo no. 67751, Bogota DC, Colombia, email : rafaelcoldx@yahoo.com
American Forces Network Europe – American Forces Network Europe, Frequency Managment, CMR 418, Unit 29405, APO AE 09058 USA, email : affiliatewebadmin@dma.mil
Amhara State Radio : postal – Amhara State Radio, Bahir Dar, Amhara Province, Ethiopia, email : dereradio2000@yahoo.com, chalet23@yahoo.com
Annaba Radio – postal : Annaba Radio,  21 Boulevard des Martyrs, Alger, Algeria, email : annabafm@gmail.com,
Angloparade – postal : unknown, email : info@angloparade.com
Antena Satelor – postal : Antena Satelor, PO Box 111, 70749 Bucuresti, email : radio@antenasatelor.ro
Apsua Radio Abkhazia : postal – Apsnytwi Axyntkarratw Teleradioeilaxwyra/Abkhaz State Radio & TV Co, Lasuria Street 16, Sokhumi, Abkhazia, Georgia, email : apsuaradio1@mail.ru
Armenian National Radio : postal – Public Radio of Armenia, Alex Manoocian 5, Yerevan 25, Republic of Armenia, email : aa@aardio.am, info@armradio.com
Athmeeyayatra (GFA) : postal – Athmik Yatra Radio, PO Box 4565, New Delhi 110016, India, email : ayradio4567@gmail.com, http://www.ayradio.com/contact/
Atlantic 2000 International : postal unknown, email : atlantic2000international@gmail.com
Australia Volmet : postal – Bureau of Meteorology, GPO BOX 1289 Melbourne VIC 3001, Level 8, 700 Collins Street, Docklands VIC 3008, Australia, email : webops@bom.gov.au
Azad Kashmir Radio : postal – Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation, Frequency Management cell, Headquarters, Constitution Avenue, G-5/1, Islamabad, Pakistan, email : fmcell@radio.gov.pk
Bangkok Meteorological Radio – postal : Meteorological Department, 4353 Sukhumvit, Bangna, Bangkok 10260, Thailand, email : jantima_n@gmail.com, webmaster@tmd.go.th
Bangkok Volmet – postal : Meteorological Department, 4353 Sukhumvit, Bangna, Bangkok 10260, Thailand, email : unknown
Bangladesh Betar – postal : Bangladesh Betar, 121, Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Shah Bagh, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh, email : dgbetar@btcl.net.bd, rrc@dhaka.net
Bayerischer Rundfunk – postal : Bayerischer Rundfunk, Technische Information, 80300 Munchen, Germany, email : techinfo@br.de
Beibu Bay Radio – postal : Beibu Bay Radio, 75 Minzu Dadao, Nanning, Guangxi 530022, People's Republic of China, email : yinglian@cri.com.cn
Belaruskoye Radio 1 – postal : Belaruskoye Radio 1, Čyrvonaja Vulica 4, 220807 Minsk, Belaus, email : radio1@tvr.by
Bhutan Broadcasting Service – postal : Bhutan Broadcasting Service, PO Box 101, Thimphu, Bhutan, email : request@bbs.com.bt
Bible Voice – postal : HAGCM, PO Box 95561 (350 Davis Dr.), Newmarket, ON, L3Y 8J8, Canada, email : mail@bvbroadcasting.org, reception@bvbroadcasting.org
Birinchi Radio – postal : Birinchi Radio, 59 Jash Gvardiya Blvd, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, postal : snbckr@hotmail.kg, ntrk@ktr.kgmeerin1980@mail.ru, trk@kyrnet.kg, zva@info.bishkek.su
BiteXpress Digital – postal : Lehrstuhl fur Informationstechnik mit dem Schwerpunkt Kommunikationselektronik, c/o Digitales Campus Radio bitXpress, Am Wolfsmantel 33, 91058 Erlangen, Germany, email : info@bitexpress.de
Blues Radio International – postal : via WRMI, WRMI, 175 Fontainebleau BLVD, Suite 1N4, Miami, Florida 33172, USA, email : info@wrmi.net
BMF Taipei Meteo Fax – postal : Weather Forecast Center, Central Weather Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China, email : weberhsu@cwh.gov.tw
BNR Horizont – postal – Bulgarian National Radio, 4 Dragan Tzankov Blvd, 1040 Sofia, Bulgaria, bgintrel@bnr.bg
BPC Time Signal – postal : National Time Service Center (NTSC), Chinese Academy of Sciences, PO Box 18, Lintong 710600, Shanxi, PR China, email : unknown
BPM Xian – postal : National Time Service Center (NTSC), Chinese Academy of Sciences, PO Box 18, Lintong 710600, Shanxi, PR China, email : unknown
BR Pershy Kanal/BR Radyjo Stalitsa : BR Pershy/BR Radyo Stalitsa, vul. Makajonka 9, 220807 Minsk, Belarus, email unknown
Brother Stair – postal – Brother Stair, PO Box 691, Walterboro, SC 29488, USA, email – lastime@overcomerministry.org, brotherstair@overcomerministry.org
Broadcasting Service of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (BSKSA) – postal – Broadcasting Service of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (BSKSA), Radio Riyadh, PO Box 61718, Riyadh, Ar Riyadh, Saudi Arabia – 11575, email : unknown
Carribean Beacon – Carribean Beacon, c/o Doris Mussington, PO Box 690, The Valley, Anguilla, email : beacon@anguillanet.com
Chaine 3 – postal : Chaine 3 Radio, 21 Boulevard des Martyrs, Alger, Algeria, contact : http://www.radioalgerie.dz/chaine3/contact
China National Radio – postal – China National Radio, Audience Department, PO Box 4501, Beijing, China, email : crieng@cri.com.cn, 0033@cnr.cn, yinglian@cri.com.cn
China Radio International – postal – China Radio International, _________ (depends on which service) service, PO Box 4216, Beijing, PR China, emails : yinglian@cri.com.cn, cripor@cri.com.cn, ger@cri.com.cn, spa@cri.com.cn, crieng@cri.com.cn, crieng@crifm.com
China Tibet Broadcasting Station – postal : Holy Tibet, Foreign Affairs Office, China Tibet Broadcasting Station, 41 Beijing Middle Road, Lhasa, Xizang 850000, China, email : 神奇小子 925403176@qq.com
CHU Canada Radio – postal : MR. Bill Hoger, Technical Officer, Frequency and Time, NRC CNRC, M-36, 1022, 1200 Montreal Road, Ottawa, Canada K1A 0R6, email : radio.chu@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca, radio.chu@nrc.ca
Cyprus Radio – postal : Cyprus Radio, Radiomaritime Service, PO Box 24929, Nicosia, Cyprus, email : u0127$@cyta.com.cy
ČRO Radiožurnal – postal : ČRO Radiožurnal, Vinohradska 12, 120 99 Praha 2, Czech Republic, email : radiozurnal@rozhlas.cz
DCF77 Mainflingen – postal : Physikalisch-Tehnische Bundesanstalt, Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany, email : ekkehard.peik@ptb.de
DR Langbolge : postal – BSD; Banestroget 21, DK-2630, Hoje Tastrup, Denmark, email : jens.seeberg@teracom.dk
DRA5 Beacon – postal : Ulrich Mueller, Kreutzacker 13, D-35041 Marburg, Germany, email : dk4vw@darc.de, dk4li@darc.de
Deutsche Welle – postal : Deutsche Welle, 53110 Bonn, Germany, emails : info@dw.de, hausa@dw.de, dari@dw.de, kiswahili@dw.de, english@dw.com, pashto@dw.com, amharic@dw.com, francais@dw.com, info@dw-world.de
Europe 1 – postal unknown – contact : http://www.europe1.fr/contacts
European Music Radio – postal unknown, email : emrsw@sky.com, studio@emr.org.uk
EWTN – postal : International High Frequency Station, WEWN, 5817 Old Leeds Road, Ironadale, AL 35210 USA, email : gtapley@ewtn.com viewer@ewtn.com,
France Bleu Elsass – postal : France Bleu Elsass, 4 Rue Josseph Massol, FR-67000 Strasbourg, France, contact form : http://www.francebleu.fr/contact/9753
Gander VOLMET – postal – Gander VOLMET, 77 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1P 5L6, email : service@navcanada.ca
Gaweylon Tibetan Radio – postal – Gaweylon Tibetan Radio, PO Box no 286, Dehradun, GPO 248001. Uttarakhahal, India, email : gaweylon@gmail.com, info@gaweylon.com
Gemeinde Gottes Herford : - postal : Missionswerk der Gemeinde Gottes EV, Zimmerstrasse 3, 32051 Herford, Germany, email : info@gemeinde-gottes-herford.de
Hamburger Lokalradio – postal : Hamburger Lokalradio, Max-Eicholz Ring 18, 21031 Hamburg, email : redaktion@hamburger-lokalradio.com
HCJB Andestimme – postal : Radio HCJB Deutschland, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Radio HCJB e.V. Postfach 8025, 32736 Detmold, Germany, email : info@hcjb.de, deutsch@andestimme.org
HEB Bernradio – postal : Swisscom Broadcast AG, Bernradio, Ostermundigenstrasse 39, CH-3050 Bern, email : info.broadcasting@swisscom.com, juerg.vonallmen@swisscom.com
Hobart Radio International : postal – Hobart Radio International – The Voice Of Tasmania, North Hobart, 7002 Tasmania, Australia, email : hriradio@gmail.com
Hollands Pallet : postal – unknown, email : hollandspalet@muurkrant.nl
IBA Reshet Aleph – postal : IBA Reshet Aleph, Heleni Hamalka 21, PO Box 1802, 91010 Jersualem, Israel, email : aleph@iba.org.il
IRIB World Service – IRIB World Service, Vali-e, Asr Ave, Jam-e Jam Street, PO Box 19395-6767 Teheran, Iran. Emails : englishradio@irib.ir, jar@irib.ir, english.irib@gmail.com, prworld@irib.ir, italianradio@irib.ir, spanishradio@irib.ir, spanish@irib.com, rusradio@irib.com, iribworld@irib.com, dehkadeh5@hotmail.com, bosnaradio@irib.ir
Jil FM- postal – Jil FM, 12 Rue Shakespeare, El Mouradia, Alger, Algeria, email : jilfm@radioalgerie.dz
KBS World Radio – postal : KBS World Radio, 13, Yeouigongwon-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, 07235, Republic of Korea, email : koreanc@kbs.co.kr, japanese@kbs.co.kr, chinese@kbs.co.kr indonesia@kb.co.kr, russian@kbs.co.kr, french@kbs.co.kr, spanish@kbs.co.kr, arabic@kbs.co.kr, english@kbs.co.kr, german@kbs.co.kr, vietnam@kbs.co.kr, rki@kbs.co.kr
KCBS Pyongyang Pansong – postal : Korean Central Broadcasting Station  (KCBS) Pyongyang, Pyongyang, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, no email address.
KNLS Anchor Point – postal : KNLS, Mile 160.9, Sterling Highway, Anchor Point, Alaska 99556, USA, email : knls@aol.com, questions@knls.net
Kringvarp Foroya – postal : Kringvarp Foroya, PO Box 328, FR-110 Troshavn, Faroe Islands, contact form : http://kvf.fo/content/trupulleikar-vid-sendinetinum
Malagasy Global Business : email – Malagasy Global Business, PO Box 404, Antananarivo – 101, Madagascar, email : monitoring@mglob.mg
Mighty KBC Radio – postal : Mighty KBC, Argonstraat 6, 6718 WT Ede, Holland, email : info@k-po.com, themightykbc@gmail.com
National Broadcasting Corporation – Radio West Sepik : postal : National Broadcasting Corporation, Radio West Sepik, P.O. Box 37,551 Vanimo, West Sepik, Papua New Guinea, email : info@nbc.com.pg
NHK World Radio Japan – postal – NHK World Radio Japan, NHK, Tokyo, 150-8001 Japan, email : nhkworld@nhk.jp, deutsch@intl.nhk.or.jp, rj-espa@intl.nhk.or.jp, or contact website https://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/contact/
Northwood Meteo Fax – postal : Fleet Ops HM Sub Division, Northwood Headquarters, Sandy Lane, Northwood HA6 3HP, UK, email unknown
NRK Radio – postal : Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, NRK P1/P2, N-7005 Trondheim, Norway, email : info@nrk.no
OXJ Torshavn Radio – postal : MRCC/TR, Tinghusvegur 64, FO – 100 Torshavn, Faroe Islands, email : telegramm@mrcc.fo
PanAmerican Broadcasting – postal : 7011 Koll Center Parkway Site 250, Pleasanton, CA, 94566-3253 USA, reception report form : http://www.radiopanam.com/qslreports.php
PBS Xizang – postal : PBS Xizang, ______(name of the service) service, China Radio International, Beijing, China, postal : yinglian@cri.com.cn
Pinneberg RTTY, WEFAX and NAVTEX : postal : Deutscher Wetterdienst, Seeschifffhrtsberatung, Postfach 301190, 20304 Hamburg, Germany, email seeschifffahrt@dwd.de, wilfred.behncke@dwd.de
Polskie Radio Jedynka – postal : Polskie Radio Dla Zagranicy, Redakcja Polska, Al Niepodleglosci 77/85, 00-977 Warszawa, Poland, contact : http://www.polskieradio.pl/7,Jedynka/20,Kontakt
Puntland Radio One – postal – Puntland Radio One, Garowe, Somalia, email : info@puntlandradiotv.com, puntlandradio1@gmail.com, communication@goldrockkenya.com
Radio Akhbar Mufriha – postal – Radio Akhbar Mufriha, L'Ami Media, BP 337, 75868 Paris Cedex 18, France, email : email@akhbarmufriha.com
Radio Argentina Exterior – postal : Radiodifusion Argentina el Exterior, Casilla de Correo 555, Correo Central, C1000WAF Buenos Aires, Argentina, email : rae@radionacional.gov.ar, argentinainternationalradio@gmail.com, dxrae2010@gmail.com
Radio Australia – postal : Radio Australia, GPO Box 9994, Melbourne, 3001, Australia, email : english@radioaustralia.net.au, contact : http://www.radioaustralia.net.au/international/contact-us
Radio Bahrain – Kingdom of Bahrain Radio and Television Corporation, General Directorat Technical Affair (Information Authority Affairs), PO Box 1075, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain, email : btv@brtc.gov.bh
Radio Brasil Central – postal : Radio Brasil Central, Rua SC-01, no 299, Po. Santa Cruz, Goiania-GO, CEP 74.860-270, Brasil, email : rbcamfm@gmail.com, arquivbrbc@gmail.com
Radio Clube do Para, Belem : postal : Radio Clube Do Para, Av. Almirante Barroso 2190, CEP 66.095-000, Belem – PA, Brasil, email : diretoria@rbadecomunicacao.com.br, timaocampeao@radioclubedopara.com.br
Radio Cultural TGNA – Guatemala – postal : Willy Maldonado (Chief Engineer), Radio Cultural TGNA, 4th Avenue 30-09 Z 3, PO Box 601, 01901 Guatemala CA, email : tgn@radiocultural.com
Radio DARC – postal : Radio DARC Redaktion, Rainer Englert (DF2NU), Dorfstrasse 14, 85567 Bruck-Alxing, Germany, email : radio@darc.de, info@darc.de
Radio Dechovka – postal : Radio Dechovka, U Prutniku 232, 25072 Predboj, Czech Republic, email : pusova@radiopraha.cz
Radio Difusora Roraima – postal : Radio Difusora Roraima, Avendia Ene Garcez, 888, Sao Francisco – Boa Vista/Roraima, Brasil, email : direcao@radiororaima.com.br
Radio Ergo – postal : Radio Ergo, Programme Manager, Radio Ergo/IMS Productions Aps, c/o FAO Somali Compound, Ngecha Road, Lower Kabete, Nairobi, Kenya, email : info@radioergo.org 
Radio Exterior de Espana – Postal : Radio Exterior de Espana, Apartado de Correos 156.202, 28080 Madrid, Espana, email : ree@rtve.es, luis.melgar@rtve.es
Radio Fides – postal : Radio Fides, Calle Jenaro Sanjines 799, Centro (Cas 9143), La Paz, Bolivia, email : sistemas@radiofides.com
Radio France International – postal : Radio France International, 80 rue Camille-Desmoulins, 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux, email/contact : http://www.english.rfi.fr/aef_contact , marie-helene.havard@tdf.fr
Radio Free Asia – postal : Radio Free Asia, Reception Reports, 2025 M. Street, MW Suite 300, Washington DC 20036, USA, email : qsl@rfa.org
Radio Gloria International – postal : unknown, email : radiogloria@aol.com
Radio Habana Cuba – postal : Radio Habana Cuba, Infanta No 105, esq. 25, 6to piso, AP 6240 La Habana, Cuba, radiohc@enet.cu, inforhc@enet.cu
Radio Hargeisa : postal : Radio Hargeisa, c/o Baldur Drobnica, Zedernweg 6, 50127 Bergheim, Germany, email : radiohargeysa@live.com
Radio Medi 1 – postal : Radio Mediteranee International, BP 2055, Tanger, Morocco, email : medi1@medi1.com, a.elatmani@medi1.com
Radio MiAmigo – postal : Radio MiAmigo, Avda. de Europa 85, Urh. La Marina, 03177 San Fulgencio, Alicante, Espana, email : info@radiomiamigo.es
Radio Monte Carlo Info – Radio Monte Carlo Info, 12 Rue Magellan, F-75008 Paris, France. Contact : http://rmc.bfmtv.com/info/contact/   
Radio Mosoj Chaski – postal : Radio Mosoj Chaski, Calle Abaroa no 254, Casilla 4493, Bolivia, email : radiomosojchaski@hotmail.com
Radio Murski Val – postal : Radio Murski Val, Ulica Arhitekta Novaka, 9000 Murska Sobota, Slovenija, email : jerneja.pirnat@p-inf.si, radio@murskival.si
Radio Nacional Angola – postal : Radio Nacional de Angola, CP 1329, Luanda, Angola, email : rna@rna.ao
Radio New Zealand International – postal – Radio New Zealand International, c/o Adrian Sainsbury, Technical Manager, PO Box 123, Wellington, New Zealand, email : technical@radionz.co.nz
Radio Northern Ireland – postal – unknown, email: radionorthernireland@outlook.com
Radio Osterreich International – postal – Osterreichischer Rundfunk (ORF), Radio Austria International, Argentinierstrasse 30a, Wien, Austria, A-1040, email : roi.service@orf.at, roi@orf.at, oe1.service@orf.at
Radio Pio XII – postal : Radio Pio XII, Siglo XX Campamento 2 del Municipio de Llallagua, Norte del Departmento de Potosi, Bolivia, email : felitorremi@hotmail.com, rpiodoce@entelnet.bo, radiopio@nogal.coru,
Radio Prague – postal – Radio Prague, Vinohradska 12, 120 99 Prague 2, Czech Republic, email : cr@radio.cz
Radio Progreso – Radio Progreso, Atte : Transmission Banda Tropical, PO Box 3042, Codigo Postal 10300, Habana, Cuba, email : inforhc@enet.cu
Radio RB2 – postal : Radio RB2, Rua Ivo Leao 220, Bairro Alta da Gloria, Curitiba, PR, CEP 80030-180, Brasil, email : rb2@radiorb2.com.br, douglas@radiorb2.com.br
Radio Rebelde – Radio Rebelde, Apartado 6277, 10600 La Habana, Cuba, email webrebelde@rrebelde.icrt.cu, relapubli@rebelde.icrt.cu, web@radiorebelde.icrt.cu,
Radio Romania Actualitati – postal : Radio Romania Actualitati, PO Box 111, 70749 Bucaresti, email
Radio Romania International – postal : Radio Romania International, str. General Berthelot, nr.60-64, set. 1, cod 010165 Bucaresti, Romania. Emails : rri@rri.ro, engl@rri.ro, rri.chinese@yahoo.com, fran@rri.ro, service_francais_rri@yahoo.com, ro@rri.ro, ucra@rri.ro, ucra@i.ua, rusa@rri.ro, sarb@rri.ro, arab@rri.ro, span@rri.ro, ital@rri.ro, arom@rri.ro, germ@rri.ro
Radio Rwanda – postal : Radio Rwanda, BP 83, Kigali, Rwanda, email : unknown.
Radio Slovakia International – postal : Rozhlas a Televizia Slovenska, Mlynska Dolina, 84545 Bratislava, Slovakia, email : gavin.shoebridge@rtvs.sk, web@rtvs.sk
Radio Spaceshuttle International : postal : Radio Spaceshuttle International, PO Box 2702, NL 6049 ZG Herten, Netherlands, email : spaceshuttleradio@yahoo.com
Radio Symban : postal : Radio Symban, 867 New Canterbury Road, Hurlstone Park NSW 2193, Australia, email : symban@radiosymban.com.au
Radio Taiwan International – postal : Radio Taiwan International, PO Box 123-199, Taipei 11199, Taiwan, ROC, email : rti@rti.org.tw
Radio Tirana – postal : Radio Tirana, Rruga Ismael Quemali No 11, Tirane, Albania, email : web@rtsh.al, dcico@icc.al.eu.org, radiotirana-english@hotmail.com, aibro@albaniaonline.net, radiotirana@rtsh.al
Radio Transmundial – postal : Radio Transmundial, PO Box 18.113, 04626-970, Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil, email : rtm@transmundial.com.br qsl@transmundial.com.br
Radio Verdes Florestas – postal : Radio Verdes Florestas, CEP 69.980-000, Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brasil, email : verdesflorestas@yahoo.com.br, verdesflorestas@yahoo.com
Radio Voz Missionaria – postal : Radio Voz Missionaria, Gideoes Missionarios da Ultima Hora, Rua Joaquim Nunes, 244, Centro, CEP 88340-000, Camboriu, SC, Brasil, email : gmuh@gmuh.com.br
Radio Waves International – postal : Radio Waves International, RWI – BP 130 92504 Rueil Cedex, France, email : rwaves@free.fr
RTE Radio 1 – postal : Radio Telefis Eireann, Donnybrook, Dublin 4, Irish Republic, email : haydey@rte.ie, longwave@rte.ie, hearus@rte.ie, info@rte.ie
RTL Luxembourg – postal : RTL Luxembourg, RTL Horfunk, L-2850, Luxembourg, email: eugene_muller@bce.lu, http://www.rtl.lu/feedback/
RUV Ras 1/RUV Ras 2 – postal : RUV Ras 1/RUV Ras 2 (depends on the programme you are listening), Efstaleiti 1, 150 Reykjavik, Iceland, contact form : http://www.ruv.is/ruv-okkar-allra/about-ruv
SDJ Stockholm Radio – postal : Stockholm Radio, Box 27049, 10251 Stockholm, Sweden, email : stockhomradio@nmss.se
Shannon VOLMET/Shannon Aeradio – postal : Irish Aviation Authority, North Atlantic Communications, Ballygirreen, Newmarket-on-Fergus, Co.Clare, Ireland, reception report contact : https://www.iaa.ie/NAC_reception_report
SNRT – postal – SNRT, 1 Rue El Brihi, Rabat 10000, Morocco, email unknown
Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation – postal : Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation, PO Box 574, Independence Square, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka, email : victor.goonetilleke@gmail.com
Sound Of Hope – postal – Sound of Hope International, 6-4, Lane 84, GuoTai Street, North District, Taichung 404, Taiwan, email : contact@soundofhope.org, allenz@soundofhope.org
Sudan Radio Service – postal : Mrs. Emily Ekiilu, Sudan Radio Service, c/o Education Development Center, PO Box 425, Juba Southern Sudan, Plot 48, Bloc 1, Korok, Sudan, email : ekiilu@sudanradio.org  
Super Radio Boa Vontade – postal : Leigao da Boa Vontade, Super Boa Vontade, Av. S Paulo, 722 Navegantes/S Geraldo, Porto Alegre, RS 90230-160, Brasil, email : radio@boavontade.com
Super Radio Deus e Amor – postal : Super Radio Deus e Amor, R Joao Negrao 595, 80010-200, Curitiba (Parana), Brasil, email : contato@ipda.com.br, marcos.souza@ipda.com.br
Superclan Radio – postal : unknow, email : superclanradio@yahoo.com
Sydney Volmet – postal : Department of Aviation, Supervisor – Flight Service, PO Box 21,, PO Mascot, NSW, Australia 2020, email unknown
Tallinn VOLMET – postal – Estonian Air Navigation Services, Kanali Tee Polik 3, Rae Kula,Rae Vald, Harjumaa 10112, Estonia, email : eans@eans.ee
Tokyo VOLMET : postal – Japan Meteorological Agency, Ote-machi 1-3-4 Chiyoda-ky, Tokyo 100-8122, Japan, email unknown
Trans World Radio Africa – postal : Trans World Radio Africa, PO Box 4232 Kempton Park, 1620 South Africa, form at : www.twrafrica.org/index.php/us/contact/
Trans World Radio Europe – postal : Trans World Radio Europe, Postfach 141, A-1235 Vienna, Austria, email : twre@twr.org, eurofreq@twr.org, info@twr-europe.at, europe@twr.org, info@twr.org
Trenton VOLMET – postal : 8 Wing/CFB Trenton, Attn : WTISS/MACS, PO Box 1000 Station Forces, Astra, ON K0K, 3W0, Canada, email unknown
Voice of America – postal : Voice of America, 330 Indepenednce Avenue, Washington DC 20237, USA, email : askvoa@voanews.com
Voice of America Radiogram – postal : Voice of America, 330 Indepenednce Avenue, Washington DC 20237, USA, email : radiogram@voanews.com
Voice of Khaatumo – postal – unknown, email : info@voiceofkhaatumo.com
Voice of Korea – postal : Voice of Korea, The Radio-Television Broadcasting, Committee of the DPRK, Pyongyang,  North Korea, email : vok@star-co.net.kp
Voice of Mongolia – postal : The Voice of Mongolia, CPO Box 365, Ulaanbaatar 13, Mongolia, email : vom_en@yahoo.com, vom.russian@yahoo.com
Voice of Oromo Liberation – postal : SBO (Sagalee Bilisummaa Oromoo), PO Box 510610, D- 13366, Berlin, Germany, email : info@oromoliberationfront.org, sbo.radio88@gmail.com
Voice of Tibet – postal : Voice Of Tibet, Gangchen Kyishong, Dharamsala-176215, Himachal Pradesh, India, email : info@vot.org
Voice of Turkey – postal : TRT Turkiye'nin Sesi Radyosu, PK 333 Yenisehir/PK 92 Cenkaya 06551 Ankara, Turkey, email : tsr@trt.net.tr, englsihdesk@trt.net.tr
Voice of Vietnam – postal : Voice of Vietnam, Overseas Service, 45 Ba Trieu Street, Ha Noi, Vietnam, email : vovworld@vov.org.vn, englishsection@vov.org.vn, vietkievvov@gmail.com, vovhanoi@yahoo.fr, golosvietnama@mail.ru, tiengnoi_vietnam2004@yahoo.es, deutsch_vov@yahoo.com, btan.vov@hn.vnn.vn, qhqt.vov@hn.vnn.vn
WFLA – postal : WFLA, 4002 West Gandy Boulevard, Tampa, FL, 33611, email : webmaster@970wfla.com

WTAB – postal : WTAB, 210 Avon Street, Tabor City, NC, 28463, USA, email : bennymiller@hotmail.com

*stations marked with red mean those are the stations that are closed/are going to be closed
**stations marked with green are stations whose future is uncertain.