petak, 20. svibnja 2016.

LKB/LLE Bergen Kringkaster

LKB/LLE QSL card (identical to this one, posted by Hugo), was sent to my e-mail on 18th of May, 2016. The LKB/LLE was heard on March 23rd, 2016, on 5895 kHz, with SINPO 32222, heard from SDR receiver in Twente.

Here is the e-mail I received.

Dear radio friend!

Thank you so much for your reception report!
Congratulations on a fine catch!
We herewith verify your reception as correct of LKB/LLE Bergen Kringkaster, broadcasting over LLE-3, 5895 kHz in the 49 metres SW band. Please take this letter as our QSL.
This is an official Norwegian test broadcasting license.
In addition to voice IDs in Norwegian, English, Swedish, Czech and and Japanese we have broadcast our morse ID VVV VVV VVV DE LKB / LLE LKB / LLE LKB / LLE. The board members as well as American announcers Ron and Sue, and Norwegian announcer Renate are also heard. We also have broadcast special electronic music composed for the transmissions by Øyvind S.Ask. We also put out instrumental music played by Bjørn Tore Bystrøm on Saxophone.

LLE-3 5895 kHz 200 watts USB 50 watt AM, Yaesu FT-950-tx. Antenna: Inverted V.
LLE-2 1314 kHz 250 watts, usually 150 watts Western Electric (WE 451A-1) tx from the late 40s, brought back into life after it closed as LLU for NRK Odda over 37 years ago. Antenna: Refurbished Comrod.
LLE-FM 103,8 FM 100 watts, Itelco-tx. Antenna: Omnidirectional. Recently we received a RSL "full broadcast» license for this frequency.

In addition Radio Northern Star has two other MW frequencies licensed to the site, one of these is often on the air with a different test program on 1611 kHz, 186 metres. This comes from a 65 watt AM/250 watt USB(LLE-4) ex-Marine Skanti TRP-8250 HF and another Inverted V antenna.

I am attaching pictures.

Please publish your reception and our information on as many boards and lists as possible!

73s and Good DX!

Svenn Martinsen/s/

Broadcast Coordinator/Editor

LKB/LLE Bergen Kringkaster

Foreningen Bergen Kringkaster 993809055

Boks 100

5331 RONG


Per-Dagfinn Green LA1TNA chairman/s/
Øystein Ask, LA7CFA treasurer, CE/s/
Reidar Mjøs, LA7MLA secretary/s/

Foreningen Bergen Kringkaster:
Radio Northern Star:

For further info these links:

petak, 13. svibnja 2016.

VOA Radiogram, program 163

Hello friends,

You might remember that last year, the BBG, parent agency of VOA, issued a Request for Proposals for the development of a decoder app for VOA Radiogram. There were no proposals, but that might be because of the short deadline. It's possible that the RFQ will be issued again, but only if there is potential interest by developers. So let me know if you are an interested developer.

The specifications in the RFQ would be the same as in the 2015 RFQ, which you can see here ...

VOA Radiogram this weekend will be all MFSK32, except for the transmission schedule in Olivia 64-2000 under the closing music. The show will include six MFSK images.

Here is the lineup for VOA Radiogram, program 163, 14-15 May 2016, all in MFSK32 except where noted:

1:34 Program preview

2:46 Giant Magellan Telescope in Chile*
8:42 UK government review of the BBC*
14:29 RFE/RL Crimea website blocked*
18:35 Radio/TV Martí now receiving letters direct from Cuba*
23:11 Image from South Pole Journal*
26:36 Closing announcements*
28:15 Olivia 64-2000: Transmission schedule under music

* with image

Please send reception reports to

VOA Radiogram transmission schedule
(all days and times UTC):
Sat 0930-1000 5745 kHz
Sat 1600-1630 17580 kHz
Sun 0230-0300 5745 kHz
Sun 1930-2000 15670 kHz
All via the Edward R. Murrow transmitting station in North Carolina.
The Mighty KBC has a different transmission schedule this weekend: To North America Sunday at 0000-0200 UTC on 9925 kHz, via Germany, with a minute of MFSK32 at about 0130 UTC. And to Europe Sunday at 0800-1000 UTC on 6095 kHz, also via Germany, with the minute of MFSK32 at about 0830 UTC. Reports for KBC reception and decoding to .

DigiDX will transmit DX news in MFSK32 and perhaps other modes on its usual schedule:
Sunday 2130-2200 UTC - 15770kHz via WRMI Florida
Sunday 2330-2400 UTC - 11580kHz via WRMI Florida
Monday 2000-2030 UTC - 6070kHz via Channel 292 Germany
Consult for any additions or changes to this schedule.

Thank you for your reception reports from last weekend. Reception was especially difficult on Sunday due to a solar event. I am now compiling the gallery of MFSK images from program 137, and will try to send that out this weekend.

Early next week I will send information about programs 164 and 165, to be broadcast during the last two weekends of May.

I hope you can tune in and write in this weekend.


Kim Andrew Elliott
Producer and Presenter

srijeda, 11. svibnja 2016.

All India Radio (via Bengaluru)

While some sources say how All India Radio is about to give up shortwave, I still managed to get a QSL card from them. 

All India Radio was heard on March 25th, 2016, from around 21:20 to 21:45 UTC, transmitting from Bengaluru transmitter. Frequency was 9445 kHz.

While AIR transmissions are terribly noisy sometimes, and can make a lot of troubles for other broadcasters to transmit, this was exactly the example here. SINPO indeed was 55555, but the band just looked horrible and this had to be addressed.
The noise from AIR transmitter (heard from SDR in Twente)

It was Good Friday on the very day I listened to the English service, and story of Good Friday was told, as well as announcements for Saturday (next day) were heard.

Reception report was submitted to AIR on the same day. QSL card arrived in the mail on May 10th, 2016.

Back of the QSL card
QSL card, depicting the Shire Temple

(e-mail :

nedjelja, 8. svibnja 2016.

Radio Latino

Radio Latino e-QSL card, received for transmission done on March 19th, 2016, at around 19:30-19:46 UTC, on 7620 kHz. e-QSL received 49 days leter, with sincere apologies for the delay. E-mail sent to

Europe 24 (via Kall-Krekel)

Europe 24 QSL card arrived, after a long long wait. After an email sent firstly to, and on 25th of March this year resent to, I finally managed to receive the QSL card. Actually, the real date I reported reception was September 10th, 2015! Frequency was 6150 kHz!