Radio Dechovka, transmitting form Libeznice u Prahy, was logged on 30th of July, 2015. via SDR receiver located in Enschede, about 21:10 - 21:28 UTC at 1233 kHz.
SINPO of Radio Dechovka at that time was 32453, understandable interference with other stations, because all of a sudden, MW bands get lovely in the evenings.
Anyway, those 18 minutes of pretty good quality contained some good, catchy pieces. I am actually known with brass music in Czech Republic, especially because, here, especially in the region Međimurje, have somethng that looks like it. Croatia is famous for keeping those traditions alive. Maybe, if someone from the West would listen to it, he would not personally enjoy it, but when you live in count(r)y that is actually filled with traditions like it.
Starobrnenska Dvanastka, group of 12 people which come somewhere from Brno, Czech Republic are noted to play brass music like it is usually heard on Radio Dechovka.
(but I don't listen to that so much, I listen to indie and rock, in fact)
An eQSL arrived in the e-mail on 14th of October, 2014.
e-mail : studio@radiodechovka.cz
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